The advanced machinery & productivity institute

Enabling the new machines, technology and skills needed to manufacture tomorrow’s products

What is AMPI?

AMPI, the Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute, is an industry defined initiative to stimulate and support rapid growth of the UK’s machinery manufacturing sector.

By driving innovation to enable machinery manufacturers to overcome the challenges of developing new technologies, AMPI will be a pivotal intervention that fulfils a critical aspect in the UK’s manufacturing innovation landscape.

Our objectives

Through partnership between industry, local government, higher education institutions and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), AMPI will enable:

  • increased competitiveness and productivity of the machinery sector
  • wider access to advanced machinery expertise
  • employment opportunities, including post doctorates and apprenticeships
  • support for the commercialisation of new machines and related technologies.

Access our report

Read about the challenges facing the advanced machinery manufacturing sector in the UK. Leading industry and academic bodies have put forward their recommendations to forge a better future for the industry.

Download report

    Get in touch with us

    AMPI is an industry led initiative. We’d like to hear from UK companies to provide:

    Foresighting. We need to hear what machinery manufacturing challenges need addressing and how companies want to engage.

    Technical Assistance. If you have a technical challenge that you need help to resolve, then we’re available to support.

    Future funding. We welcome UK based firms as we continually build our portfolio of innovation and advanced machinery R&D.