Machinery matters: Driving growth into machinery development across the UK

Have your say in the future of AMPI

We need to hear from the advanced machinery manufacturing community to help test and refine an emerging proposal to secure sustained investment into machinery development that will support industrial growth across manufacturing.

We’re hosting a workshop, during which we will:

  • hear from industry leaders on why machinery matters to them and their views on the state of the sector within the UK.
  • share the aims, objectives and principles of a national machinery development programme for consideration by UK Government.
  • seek feedback, insight and further anecdotal evidence to support a submission for government investment.
  • discuss, refine and agree a suite of common messages and themes to aid communication and engagement for a national programme.
9.15 – 16.30 |  Tuesday 1 October
Central Manchester
Register your interest now


09.15 – Arrival and registration with teas, coffees and pastries.

10.00 – Welcome remarks

10.10 – Keynote industry speakers

10.50 – Machinery matters: Lessons from the front line – AMPI’s pilot programme

11.05 – First breakout session focusing on challenges and needs of the UK’s advanced machinery sector

12.20 – Lunch

13.30 – Machinery matters: An overview of the call for enduring support to the UK’s advanced machinery sector

13.45 – Second breakout session focusing on an Institute as an opportunity and enabler for the UK’s advanced machinery sector

14.45 – Networking – teas, coffees and snacks

15.15 – Summary and call to action

15.45 – Funding programme launch

16.30 – End of day and networking