Applicant data

    • Only businesses located in the Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire regions are eligible for funding.
    • Only SME businesses are eligible. Please see SME definition here
    • For more information please read these documents: I4M Eligibility and I4M Scope
    * Mandatory fields

    Academic partner details

    If a university delivery partner has been identified, please include details below:

    Service provider details

    If a service provider has been identified, please include details below:

    Project scope

    Describe how your project fits the scope of the fund, what makes it innovative, and how addresses challenges in machinery for manufacturing. If your project is not in scope, it will not be eligible for funding. When selecting your project area, select the area that best aligns with the focus of your project.
    * Mandatory fields

    Outcomes and impact

    Describe the direct and indirect impact the project may have on your business. Think about:
    • sales, exports, productivity, etc.
    • machinery industry and supply chain growth
    • the regional economy
    • jobs, such as safeguarding, creating, changing, or displacing them

    Your application is almost complete

    As part of National Physical Laboratory’s function to administer the scheme, you should expect contact from 

    Privacy and declaration

    Please read our privacy policy and how we handle your data.

    Note: if the research lead is submitting the proposal on behalf of the industrial lead, there should be an offline record of the industrial lead’s consent to the T&Cs, AMPI privacy policy and NPL privacy policy. Examples of consent: offline industry-signed copy of T&Cs or via written consent in emails or meeting minutes. This should be communicated with the I4M Project Manager should your proposal be successful.


    I would like to receive information about:

    This scheme is managed by the National Physical Laboratory on behalf of the Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute and funded through UKRI’s Strength in Places Fund.
    To find out how we process your personal data, please read the AMPI privacy policy and NPL privacy policy